
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Carsten finds different batteries

After reading the task brief, Carsten picks up the bubble machine to examine it, but immediately spills most of the liquid within all over his arm and the lab floor.

He then looks around the lab, insisting that the task must involve some sort of trick, and soon locates the radio control underneath the table. However, he leaves it attached to the table, and does not realise that it controls a toy car (in the studio, Mark claims that this is due to Carsten being “40, with a mental age of 70”). Instead, Carsten sems to believe that it somehow controls the bubble machine itself. As such, he spends some time fiddling with the steering wheel, periodically checking to see if any change has been made to the bubble machine.

Carsten continues fiddling with the control for quite some time, encouraged by the mechanical sounds he can hear (not realising they are being made by the nearby radio-controlled car spinning its wheels).

Finally, mercifully, Carsten realises that what he has been fiddling with is a radio control for a toy car, and he drives the car over to himself (although he still leaves the controller attached to the table). However, he does not spot the battery on top of the car, and believes that the vehicle is somehow there just to mess with him.

Turning his attention instead to the bathrobe, Carsten pushes the table closer to it before hopping on top of the table, unknowingly breaking the rules of the task (presumably, he thought that he was just not allowed to touch the floor). He does find and retrieves the battery pack inside the bathrobe, however.

He then proceeds to pat Mark down in search of his microphone pack, assuming that it must also contain compatible batteries. Given that Mark is still mic’ed up for the rest of the task, Carsten must source some additional batteries from one of the other members of the production crew, instead.

Carsten finally realises that he was not meant to leave the marker spot, and suggests that the show just cut that part of the footage out of his attempt. He then steps on the ground as he leaves the table to stand back on the spot, before turning on the bubble machine.

In the studio, Lasse rhetorically questions whether Carsten has ever encountered Velcro before. In defence of his multiple rule violations, Carsten insists that although he may have physically moved, that “mentally, I am always on the spot”.

Carsten’s time is not given, but he is disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores