
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anne’s frustrated framing company jingle

Anne picks out the business card for the Framous Picture Framing company. She tries to call the company, but the call goes to voicemail, leading Anne to ask Tom “This one of your little tricks?”.

After trying to call the company a few more times, Anne finally gets through. Not much is seen of their very short conversation, other than Anne asking for details of their famous clients, just as Tom blows his whistle.

In the video for her jingle, Anne has hung some empty picture frames from the ceiling, and pops her face into them. She plays the keyboard and a high-pitched electronic effect is applied to her voice as she sings the following:

Famous pictures can be hard to frame
So, call up Gary Mitchell, he’s top of his game
If he doesn’t answer, try him again
If he doesn't answer a second time, phone a friend
If he doesn't answer a third time, don’t despair
You can visit his shop, I don’t know where
Gary, Gary, Gary, you fucked my task
I’m sure you’re good at framing, but kiss my ass
Try Gary now on… I don’t know what phone number, and I don’t have a website , and I don’t know where his shop is
Good on ya, Gary!

In the studio, while everyone is laughing and applauding, Anne yells “Answer the phone, Gary!”, thus coining the episode title.

Tom Gleeson awards Anne 4 points

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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