Tom focuses a little too much on bananas

Tom picks fruit from the food pyramid and then asks “Do you start with ‘yo, yo, yo’?”. He then waves his hands in the air and says “You want a pineapple? Come, be my guest. Dem where the berries at.”
Tom’s video follows on from Tofiga’s. He performs it in the kitchen while wearing tinted glasses and a backwards cap. The lyrics to his rap are as follows:
What food, you ask, is easy to digest?
Want a pineapple? Come be my guest.
Black-, rasp-, goose-, Boysen- and blue-
Where my berries at? Yeah, them my crew.
Banana (banana)
Banana na (banana)
Where my berries at?
Banana na
He waves a couple of bananas around during his video, which then transitions into Abby’s dairy rap.
Jeremy says that Tom had a good flow, but that he was a little bit too focused on bananas, so he awards Tom 3 points.
(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)