Perform a rap about a food group

Task types:

Task briefs
The initial task brief is laid on the desk in the study. The second task brief is found behind a section of the nearby diagram of the food pyramid. The briefs for the task are as follows:
Pick a food group.
Write and perform a rap advocating for why your food group is the best.
Best verse wins.
You have 30 minutes.
Your time starts now.

Task notes
- Also on the desk, there is a cordless microphone.
- Next to the table, there is an easel up which there is a large diagram of the ‘Health food pyramid’, including sections for ‘Dairy’, ‘Meat’, ‘Grains’, ‘Fruit’, and ‘Vegetables’. Each of these sections lifts up to reveal a copy of the second task brief beneath.
- It seems as if the contestants must only have had the choice between those food groups not already selected by the others, since the chances of them all having picked different groups are tiny.
- Also in the room, there is a large speaker, through which Paul plays the contestants the backing track for their raps.
Task stats


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