Balance items on the table

Task types:

Task brief
The brief for the task is as follows:
One by one, place an item on the table.
On your turn, you will have 10 seconds to place an item.
Once you have touched an item, that is the item you must place.
If placing causes any item to fall, you will be eliminated.
Last person standing wins.

Task notes
- The contestants are stood side-by-side on the stage.
- In the middle of the stage in front of them, there is a small, round table.
- Scattered across the front of the stage, there are a wide variety of objects for them to balance on the table, including an inflated balloon, a hula hoop, an inflatable shark, an exercise ball, a stuffed toy dog, a novelty cowboy hat, some plastic bananas, a tennis racket, a pool noodle, an umbrella, a bowling ball, a lettuce, a folding chair, a basketball, a wicker cat house, a small birdcage, a ukulele, a juggling club, a mannequin’s arm, a broom, a garden windmill, a child’s toy accordion, a violin, a mannequin head with a wig, a garden hose, a hand pump, a set of musical chimes, a skateboard, and a kayak paddle.
- As the contestants are eliminated, they take a seat on a bench at the right of the stage.
- After two contestants have been eliminated, Paul knocks everything off the table, then replaces it with an even smaller one, and the game begins again.
Task stats


Click on the thumbnail images below to read a description of each attempt.