
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christine, Jo and Mehdi sing a song about missing Stephanie

Christine asks Stephanie what she does for a living (she is a sales and marketing manager), whether she likes to ski (she does, and prefers skiing to snowboarding).

Mehdi asks her if she has travelled (she has) and where to (most recently, Florida).

Jo asks her how she feels when she "looks at a fire" (it turns her on, apparently).

He continues along this line of questioning, asking whether the size of the fire matters, in response to which she mentions the holiday of La Saint-Jean (when large bonfires are commonly burnt).

Christine asks if Stephanie knows Louis Morissette (yes), and what she thinks of him (she thinks he's a good person, to which Jo responds that she clearly doesn't actually know him).

Jo then suggests that there is something melancholic about Stephanie, but that she is tender and happy (Stephanie agrees with these descriptors).

Christine's final question is about what colour Stephanie might choose, if she decided to dye her hair (dark brown).

The team name themselves 'The Saint Bruno Mars Band' (filming takes place at Mont-Saint-Bruno in Quebec), and introduce their song as having been written on behalf of all the employees of the skiing resort.

Jo plays guitar, while Mehdi begins singing the lyrics...

Stephanie's hot enough to melt the glaciers
Her blond hair raises the temperature
When she puts her boots on in Montérégie
I feel a sudden urge to become one of her skis
She's to blame for climate change
But because she's so pretty, it's no tragedy
I drown in her eyes like the Titanic
And her bare skin rubbing-

At this point, Christine interrupts to tell Mehdi that the song is becoming too sexual, and not what was planned. She then joins in on the chorus...

Stephanie, why did you leave for Florida?
Since you left, the mountain is emptying
Stephanie, since you left for Florida
All of the skiers are headed to the Laurentians
Stephanie, since you left for Florida
Even the snow is crying and liquefying
Stephanie, please come back from Florida
And we can spend a torrid night with each other

The Laurentians are another mountainous region of the province.

Louis awards the team three points for their efforts.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)