
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christine, Jo and Mehdi make a bed

Mehdi becomes the middle of the human chain, with Christine on his left, and Jo on his right.

However, instead of holding one of both of their hands with both of his, he keeps one hand free, and his team-mates both hold onto his other hand/wrist/forearm.

This means that they don't have as much slack as they would have had, but they do at least have three working hands, rather than just two.

They manage to get the pillows inside their cases, the duvet inside its cover, and the bottom sheet on, before Christine switches to holding Jo's other hand, so she can grab the duvet while Mehdi is tidying the bottom sheet.

This means Jo has to spin around and face away from the bed, while the others finish the task.

He entertains himself by singing a song, and then helps the team get the pillows onto the bed using his feet.

Having finished making the bed, the team all collapse on top of the duvet together after 15 minutes and 29 seconds.

Louis awards them 3 points each for their effort.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)