
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jessica makes a block of ice disappear

Here's a description of the contestant's attempt. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to illustrate it.

Jessica realises that in the context of the task, “disappear” means that Nuno can’t see it. She puts the ice block in a wheelbarrow to help her move it, and moves to an area of the Taskmaster property that has a particularly high wall, on the other side of which is a wooded area and a long drop. Jessica dumps the entire ice block on the other side of the wall, asking Nuno if he can still see the ice. When Nuno weakly declares that he probably could if he stood on a chair, Jessica questions why he would do that. Still, Nuno does get a chair, and can easily see the ice block when standing on the chair. Jessica throws the wheelbarrow over the wall before going over the wall herself (while commenting that normally Nuno doesn’t move during tasks, and he shouldn’t be for this one as well), wheeling the ice block further away from Nuno, to a sheep paddock. The commotion draws several sheep to her, which she has to shoo away. On the other side of the paddock is a much higher wall, and (by piggybacking on a crew member), Jessica throws the ice block over that wall (along with her t-shirt, which she had been using to protect her hands from the cold) into a dense field of crops. Jessica makes the entire ice block disappear in 10 minutes 42 seconds, and wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores