
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Henrik calls his parents

Henrik calls his parents’ house. His father answers the phone, but puts Henrik on speaker phone so both his father and mother can talk to him (though, as David points out at the end of the call, Henrik’s father left the conversation very early on, as he could tell it would be a “conversation about nothing”). Henrik’s first challenge requires him to laugh at everything his parents say. He laughs quietly and then, when it’s his turn to speak, he tells a funny story to cover up his laughter. Henrik’s second challenge requires him to sound like a monster. He tells his parents that he’s writing some stand-up material that would require him to perform in a rough voice. He then demonstrates the voice, fulfilling the monster brief, but admits to them that he does not know if the material and voice would be funny. Henrik’s third challenge requires him to be silent for twenty seconds. There is a lull in the conversation during this time, but Henrik’s mother fills in the silence without asking why Henrik has not replied to her. Henrik fulfils three more challenges off-camera. His next challenge requires him to run in place for a minute, which he does without any notable reaction. His next challenge requires him to mention carrots three times. He tells his mother that he’s making a stew with carrots in it and that, despite the fact that he’s never really used carrots in his cooking, he quite likes them. This causes his mother to ask if his stew has more than carrots in it, thus ending his task attempt. Henrik’s conversation lasts 9 minutes, and he wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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