
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Have the longest telephone conversation

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is presented on the desk in the study of the Bäst i Test house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Have the longest phone call without the person you’re talking to suspecting that you’re trying to have a long conversation.

During your conversation, you may not mention anything about TV, tests, or Bäst i Test.

Every time the lamp turns on, you must take and perform a new mission from the mission board.

If the person you’re talking to says anything about the keywords in your mission, you must hang up immediately.

You must call someone within two minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • Next to the desk is a board with twelve numbered mystery doors, behind each of which are the following instructions: 1. YAWN loudly for 10 seconds.; 2. [Not revealed - possibly ‘Play 3 long notes on the HARMONICA.’, like in the original task]; 3. RUN on the spot for one minute.; 4. Mention CARROTS three times.; 5. Ask if the person has seen a RAINBOW.; 6. Be SILENT for 20 seconds.; 7. Sound like a MONSTER.; 8. Pretend you’re much OLDER’; 9. LAUGH at everything they say.; 10. Say your NAME very slowly.; 11. Say you have a problem with your TONGUE.; 12. [Not revealed – possibly ‘WHISPER for 20 seconds.’, like in the original task].

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Nikki calls an unnamed woman. Her first mission is to sound like a monster, so she continues her conversation in a low, slow voice. The woman on the phone thinks that Nikki is mocking the way she speaks, asking if perhaps she sounds odd over the phone. Nikki’s next shown challenge requires her to ask if the person on the phone has seen a rainbow. She interrupts the conversation and asks if the person has seen a rainbow today, then follows up by insisting that she thought she saw one, and checking again that the woman is sure she didn’t also see one. This causes the woman to use the keyword ‘rainbow’ in her reply, so Nikki has to hang up on her. Nikki’s conversation lasts 3 minutes and 31 seconds, and she comes fourth.
  • Marko immediately decides to call his mother. His first challenge is to sound like a monster, so he makes a growling noise. Marko’s mother simply continues talking, seemingly not noticing his monster noises (it may have helped that, just prior to his growling, Marko’s mother had said that he sounded stressed). Marko’s footage then cuts to a point where he’s already done several other challenges (based on the doors uncovered), and he has been instructed to say his name very slowly. Unable to think of a clever way to do it, Marko simply says his name slowly, complete with an exaggerated roll on the ‘R’. Once again, his mother is unfazed, and continues speaking as though nothing strange has happened. Marko’s next challenge requires him to laugh at everything his mother says. While she overlooks the first two times he laughs, she comments on the third (saying “vuck you”), using the keyword ‘laugh’ in her reply, and ending his task attempt. Marko’s conversation lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and he comes third.
  • Linnéa believes that her best shot at completing the task is to call someone who talks a lot. She decides to call Hanna Hellquist, a journalist at the radio station P3, where Linnéa works. As Linnéa predicted, Hanna is quite chatty. Linnéa’s first challenge requires her to say that she has something wrong with her tongue. She tells Hanna that she has a weird sore on her tongue, which causes Hanna to repeat the keyword ‘tongue’ in shock, ending Linnéa’s task attempt. Linnéa’s conversation lasts just 1 minute and 30 seconds, and she comes last.
  • Henrik calls his parents’ house. His father answers the phone, but puts Henrik on speaker phone so both his father and mother can talk to him (though, as David points out at the end of the call, Henrik’s father left the conversation very early on, as he could tell it would be a “conversation about nothing”). Henrik’s first challenge requires him to laugh at everything his parents say. He laughs quietly and then, when it’s his turn to speak, he tells a funny story to cover up his laughter. Henrik’s second challenge requires him to sound like a monster. He tells his parents that he’s writing some stand-up material that would require him to perform in a rough voice. He then demonstrates the voice, fulfilling the monster brief, but admits to them that he does not know if the material and voice would be funny. Henrik’s third challenge requires him to be silent for twenty seconds. There is a lull in the conversation during this time, but Henrik’s mother fills in the silence without asking why Henrik has not replied to her. Henrik fulfils three more challenges off-camera. His next challenge requires him to run in place for a minute, which he does without any notable reaction. His next challenge requires him to mention carrots three times. He tells his mother that he’s making a stew with carrots in it and that, despite the fact that he’s never really used carrots in his cooking, he quite likes them. This causes his mother to ask if his stew has more than carrots in it, thus ending his task attempt. Henrik’s conversation lasts 9 minutes, and he wins the task.
  • Johar calls his father-in-law. His first challenge requires him to yawn loudly for ten seconds. He does so, powering through the yawn and still carrying on the conversation. He does not give his father-in-law a chance to ask why he is yawning, and just explains that he was up late the previous evening, broadcasting. Johar’s next challenge requires him to run in place for a minute, which he does while easily carrying on the conversation. His third challenge requires him to say the word ‘rainbow’, so he asks his father-in-law if he has seen a rainbow recently. His father-in-law replies that there was one when the Queen Elizabeth died, saying there was a “giant double one” over Buckingham Palace, allowing Johar to narrowly escape his task attempt ending. Johar’s fourth challenge requires him to sound like a monster. He hisses and roars, and his father-in-law on the phone laughs and praises Johar’s “dinosaur impression”. Johar completes his fifth challenge off-camera. His sixth one requires him to laugh at everything his father-in-law says. He achieves this by laughing in disbelief at the amount of mobile Scrabble matches the two have played against each other. His seventh challenge requires him to say his name slowly. He achieves this by informing his father-in-law that it’s annoying how, in broadcasting, he has to introduce himself slowly, and then demonstrates how slowly he is required to say his own name. To complete his eighth challenge, Johar tells his father-in-law that he burned his tongue on his morning coffee, and it now has a blister. This causes his father-in-law to use the word ‘tongue’, ending Johar’s task attempt. Johar’s conversation lasts 8 minutes and 51 seconds, and he comes second.

(Source credit: Jenny R)