
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Stretch the rubber band in an exciting way

Task types:
Single brief
Winner takes all?
Bonus points?

Task brief

The task brief is laid upon a large blue rubber strip on a table just outside of the shed, alongside pairs of safety helmets, face-shields, and ear-defenders. The brief for the task is as follows:

Stretch the rubber band between the two of you in an exciting way.

Longest stretched rubber band wins.

If the rubber band breaks, you are disqualified.

The test is immediately ended if someone says ‘stop’.

Bonus points for tensest tension.

You have 20 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The wording of the task brief, especially ‘tensest tension’, is a play on words, with ‘spand’/’spanna’ meaning ‘stretch’ or ‘draw taut’, while ‘spannade’ means ‘exciting’.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Marko suggests that they try stretching the band to see how far it can go before being in danger of snapping, in order to get an idea of how to make the stretch exciting. They continue to stretch the band until Linnéa has trouble continuing to hold on to it. Marko says they should probably stop, and so David announces that the test is over. Linnéa tries to ease their mutual disappointment by saying that the stretch was likely long enough to win the task anyway, and Marko readily agrees. Although Linnéa estimates that they were able to stretch the rubber band 15 metres, an official measure is not given. However, as Nikki and Henrik break their rubber band, Linnéa and Marko win the task by default.
  • Nikki asks Henrik if he’s able to do a handstand, and he says that he will try, for her. Henrik attempts to make the situation more tense by donning a Ghostface mask (based on the Scream movie series) that he finds in the shed. Henrik – with his end of the band tied to his ankle – does a handstand against a tree, while Nikki – with her end of the band tied to the back of her jeans – runs as far away from him as she can. However, this just results in her pulling Henrik down to the ground. They modify their plan, with both tying one end of the band to their ankles, and running in opposite directions. However, Nikki’s end is not tied tightly enough, so the band slips off of her ankle and snaps against Henrik’s leg. David declares that the band in unbroken, so the test can continue. The two alter their plan again, with Nikki riding a tricycle and, this time, the band snaps against her. Continuing with their tricycle and running method, Nikki ties the band to her wrist and begins cycling, while Henrik provides the excitement by jumping onto a mini trampoline and rolling over an exercise ball. Henrik starts to pull at the band at his ankle, and it breaks at the knot, disqualifying the pair. However, Babben awards the bonus point to them for the ‘tensest tension’.
  • Johar says that he believes Henrik and Nikki are the more high-energy of the two teams, and will break the rubber band. He gambles his points on Marko and Linnéa. Both of Johar’s predictions are correct, and he wins three points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)