
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Get the lowest number of ‘yes’s from the audience

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Ask a question to the audience, and receive as few yeses as possible.

If you get zero yeses from the audience, you are eliminated.

Last one remaining wins.

Task notes

  • This task takes place during the ‘middle of the show’ segment, as a game titled ‘Få Få Svar’ (‘Get Few Answers’).

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • In the first round, Marko asks if anyone has either done military service or attended boot camp, and 11 people raise their hands. In the second round, Marko asks who looks at the toilet paper, after wiping, and 19 people raise their hands. Marko is eliminated after the second round for having the most yeses, and earns three points.
  • In the first round, Nikki asks if anyone is lactose intolerant, and 15 people raise their hands. She is therefore eliminated after the first round for having the most yeses, and earns one point.
  • In the first round, Johar asks if anyone speaks Finnish, and five people raise their hands. Judging by Marko’s reaction, it seems that this was a question he himself had planned on asking, as he speaks fluent Finnish. In the second round, Johar asks how many people have ‘Johansson’ as a surname, and no-one raises their hand. He is therefore eliminated, and earns two points.
  • In the first round, Henrik asks if anyone works as a sign language interpreter, and two people raise their hands (he would have been able to see one of these, as they were actively providing sign language interpretation for an audience member). In the second round, Henrik asks how many people, when visiting Italy, are disappointed in the bread because it’s too hard, and 13 people raise their hands. In the third round, Henrik asks how many audience members are in a wheelchair, and two people raise their hands (once again, he can see a specific person in the audience). Henrik is eliminated in the third round for having the most yeses, and earns four points.
  • In the first round, Linnéa asks if anyone identifies as LGBTQI, and seven people raise their hands. In the second round, Linnéa asks how many people enjoy surstromming (fermented herring, which is famously smelly), and 14 people raise their hands. In the third round, Linnéa asks how many audience members are wearing a zebra print shirt, and just one woman raises her hand (Linnéa was clearly able to see her, when deciding on her question). As the last one standing, Linnéa earns five points.

(Source credit: Jenny R)