
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Quietly eat the egg

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is found on the table in the dining room, next to a hard-boiled egg in an eggcup. The brief for the task is as follows:

Eat the egg.

You must eat the whole egg.

You may not eat any of the eggshell.

The quietest person to perform the task wins.

Give David a thumbs-up when you have eaten the whole egg.

You have three minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • David is seated at the table, holding a decibel meter.

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Images will be added later.

  • Linnéa leans away from David, places the egg on her lap, and drags the handle of the spoon over the shell as she tries to remove it, seemingly relying on her (correct) assumption that David will not invade her personal space to such a degree (though he does stretch his arm and the decibel meter as close to her as he can without actually moving from his chair). Although Linnéa’s eggshell removal isn’t shown, her method seems to have worked well, as she is shown popping the whole egg into her mouth when she’s ready to eat it. Linnéa peaks at 56.8 decibels, and she earns second place.
  • Nikki picks up the spoon, but cannot help but laugh (albeit more quietly than usual) as she asks David what this task is all about. Nikki taps the spoon against the top of the egg, but has trouble breaking it, and has to use increasingly forceful taps to crack it. By the time Nikki has removed part of the shell, she has forgotten what the task is. She does eventually remove the entire eggshell and put the whole egg into her mouth, her giggling muffled as she tries to eat the whole thing in one bite. Nikki peaks at 70.6 decibels, and she earns fourth place.
  • Johar reasons that the main challenge of the task is to quietly crack through the eggshell. He cups the egg between both of his hands and squeezes them together to crack the egg, relying on his hands to muffle the sound of the shell cracking. The shell shatters, making the process of eating the egg without consuming any shell more difficult for him. Johar forgets to give David a thumbs up when he finishes eating the egg, though this does not seem to be taken into account for the scores, and is not mentioned in the studio. Johar peaks at 58.2 decibels, and earns third place.
  • Henrik taps the egg on the table to crack the shell, but the noise ends up being louder than he anticipated. He carefully removes the eggshell from the entire egg and puts the whole thing into his mouth. He attempts to swallow the egg whole, but coughs up half of it when he is unable to. Henrik uses the spoon to eat the egg he spat out, much to the disgust of the other contestants. Henrik peaks at 78.5 decibels, and he earns last place.
  • Marko cups the egg between both of his hands and squeezes them together to crack the egg, relying on his hands to muffle the sound of the shell cracking. He peels off the eggshell a section at a time, eating each section of the exposed egg before moving on, instead of removing the shell and eating the whole egg at once. Marko peaks at 46.6 decibels, and wins the task.

(Source credit: Jenny R)