
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johar calls his father-in-law

Johar calls his father-in-law. His first challenge requires him to yawn loudly for ten seconds. He does so, powering through the yawn and still carrying on the conversation. He does not give his father-in-law a chance to ask why he is yawning, and just explains that he was up late the previous evening, broadcasting. Johar’s next challenge requires him to run in place for a minute, which he does while easily carrying on the conversation. His third challenge requires him to say the word ‘rainbow’, so he asks his father-in-law if he has seen a rainbow recently. His father-in-law replies that there was one when the Queen Elizabeth died, saying there was a “giant double one” over Buckingham Palace, allowing Johar to narrowly escape his task attempt ending. Johar’s fourth challenge requires him to sound like a monster. He hisses and roars, and his father-in-law on the phone laughs and praises Johar’s “dinosaur impression”. Johar completes his fifth challenge off-camera. His sixth one requires him to laugh at everything his father-in-law says. He achieves this by laughing in disbelief at the amount of mobile Scrabble matches the two have played against each other. His seventh challenge requires him to say his name slowly. He achieves this by informing his father-in-law that it’s annoying how, in broadcasting, he has to introduce himself slowly, and then demonstrates how slowly he is required to say his own name. To complete his eighth challenge, Johar tells his father-in-law that he burned his tongue on his morning coffee, and it now has a blister. This causes his father-in-law to use the word ‘tongue’, ending Johar’s task attempt. Johar’s conversation lasts 8 minutes and 51 seconds, and he comes second.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

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