
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marko calls his mother

Marko immediately decides to call his mother. His first challenge is to sound like a monster, so he makes a growling noise. Marko’s mother simply continues talking, seemingly not noticing his monster noises (it may have helped that, just prior to his growling, Marko’s mother had said that he sounded stressed). Marko’s footage then cuts to a point where he’s already done several other challenges (based on the doors uncovered), and he has been instructed to say his name very slowly. Unable to think of a clever way to do it, Marko simply says his name slowly, complete with an exaggerated roll on the ‘R’. Once again, his mother is unfazed, and continues speaking as though nothing strange has happened. Marko’s next challenge requires him to laugh at everything his mother says. While she overlooks the first two times he laughs, she comments on the third (saying “vuck you”), using the keyword ‘laugh’ in her reply, and ending his task attempt. Marko’s conversation lasts 5 minutes and 30 seconds, and he comes third.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)