
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Krisse’s parenting method

Krisse twists wrapping paper and bubble wrap into a complex form, intended to resemble a person sitting down (albeit an awkwardly-proportioned person, with no arms). The body of the figure contains the actual object she is disguising, and she is upset when the package won’t remain seated upright on the table. Based on the forked form of the package, Pilvi guesses that Krisse may have wrapped a dowsing rod (though she does not know the word for it, instead describing its function). As Pilvi struggles to cut through the bubble wrap, Krisse offhandedly mentions how she is trying to raise her children to know how to handle occasional disappointment, and that she had therefore once presented them with large birthday presents that actually had something tiny and insignificant inside. As if on cue, Pilvi finally cuts through the bubble wrap and finds Krisse’s object: a single small jingle bell. Jaakko is disappointed that everyone had simply wrapped small items in large amounts of packaging, and awards them all a single point each.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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