
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders the arrogant psychic

For some reason, Anders decides not to open the task brief himself.

After observing that there are no props nearby, at the location where is he is receiving the brief, he guesses that the task will have to be solved mentally, rather than physically.

He notes that, at his age, his mind is mainly just showing re-runs, so it seems that he is not confident about his ability to solve a more mental task.

He poses the question to Mark: “What if someone couldn’t read?”, presumably hoping to avoid having to complete the task at all, but Mark responds by offering to read the task brief out for him.

Anders hands the envelope over to Mark, who reads the text out for him, and then tries to give it back.

However, Anders realises that if he does not take it back, then it has effectively already been delivered to Mark in a superior way, since he has solved the task before knowing what it was.

Pleased with his solution, he heads back into the house.

In the studio, Lasse compliments Anders’ laziness, but Anders counters that it is was more “extreme arrogance”.

Lasse awards Anders first place.

Note: after Mark’s revelation in episode 7 that Anders would always delay opening the task briefs for as long as possible, Anders’ surprising success in this task makes much more sense.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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