
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders’ procrastination pays off, again

In the studio, prior to Anders’ attempt being shown, Mark reveals that Anders had always put off reading the task brief for as long as possible. Mark then plays a supercut of Anders procrastinating over opening the task briefs throughout the course of the season. Mark also reveals that, on average, Anders had spent 8 minutes between arriving on the scene for each task and actually opening the envelope, adding up to a total of 4 hours and 14 minutes of procrastination during production (note: this procrastination had paid off at least twice for Anders during the season - see his sweet sorting and superior task delivery attempts in episode 1).

In the study, Anders once again procrastinates on reading the task brief, instead looking at all of the glasses and tasting a few.

He decides that he wants to group the shot glasses based on their contents, and starts sipping each glass, and placing them into new rows on the side of the table, based on their contents.

Anders sips his way through nearly a third of the shot glasses before finding the vinegar, which he places far away from his other groups.

He then apparently continues sipping from the shot glasses until he’s made his way through half of them, before finally reading the task brief.

He then braces himself, drinks the vinegar, and says the task-ending phrase.

Anders’ time (official or cumulative) is not disclosed, but he wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores