
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Hadi sorts out some anger issues

Hadi pours the entire contents of the large bowl out onto the table, before introducing himself as a plumper named Birger.

He starts to separate out individual yellow chocolates from the pile, to fill the smaller dish stood on a yellow mat, and puts quite a few in there before switching to another colour.

Unfortunately, he accidentally knocks over the dish he is working on, scattering about a dozen of the sweets across the floor, before introducing himself as a glassblower named Jens.

He continues to sort the sweets by colour, but the majority of the footage shown of his attempt is a montage of every name and profession he used to introduce himself to Mark, throughout the course of the task.

The names used include: Henry, Mads, Kim, Henning, Noller, Jorgen, James, Adam, Bjarne, Johannes, Dennis, Jens (though his repetition of this name does not seem to have been noticed), and Henriette.

Professions include: concrete worker, school principal, police officer, race car driver, cinematographer, and chocolatier.

Eventually, Mark assists Hadi with his sorting.

Despite his outward appearance, Hadi’s annoyance with Mark eventually bleeds through, as not only does he threaten to smash Mark’s bell, but his introductions start turning aggressive (e.g. Mahmoud the boxer, Samir the professional MMA fighter, and Mark the “idiot”).

Finally, Hadi manages to get all of the chocolates sorted by colour and, after re-reading the task aloud to make sure he hadn’t missed anything, also says the task-ending phrase “I have sorted correctly”.

Hadi’s total time is not revealed but, based on the fact that Mark rang the bell every 30 seconds, and claimed that Hadi had given between 30 and 40 names during his attempt, it must have been at least 15 minutes.

Hadi earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores