
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jesper sorts by colour

Jesper starts sorting the sweets by colour, separating them into the smaller dishes based on the colour of the mat underneath each.

Every time he sorts a few sweets, Jesper eats one for “quality control”.

As Mark rings his bell, Jesper introduces himself first as an arms dealer (using his own name), and then as a “nitric acid mixer” (again, using his own name), and finally as a cartoonist (using his own name yet again).

On all these occasions, he also adds “and I've sorted these buttons correctly”, which is the phrase which he’s only meant to say at the end of the task.

On the third occasion that he uses the phrase, Mark asks him if he’s finished the task.

Jesper re-reads the task brief at this point, and realises his mistake.

However, with just one of the small dishes with no sweets in it yet, he quickly drops in a few green chocolates, before saying the phrase once more, for good measure, and then leaving.

Jesper is disqualified.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)