
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anders disappoints himself

After experimenting with turning one of the side tables into a bridge, Anders points out that making a bridge solely out of sand is a difficult task, but that he is going to try anyway.

He creates two mounds of sand on either side of the river before sighing loudly, as he still has no ideas for how to turn them into an actual bridge.

He takes some time to complain about the “shitty” model horse on the table, noting that there’s nothing in it that he can use (he had presumably also made the Trojan horse connection, but had not thought to check if the table itself was a Trojan horse).

Anders tears the roof off of the barn, and uses that as the base of his bridge, burying it in enough sand to hide its presence.

To add height to the bridge, he builds the two mounds of sand on either side of the river up as high as he can, before topping them off with the model trees and the horse.

He mutters that he hopes that his children will not watch the task, and describes his bridge as shit, before leaving the lab.

In the studio, he confirms his disappointment in himself, noting that he is not only a fan of Greek mythology, but that his father was an engineer who’d taken structural integrity very seriously.

He blames his failure to realise that the table itself was hiding building materials on his immense dislike of the model horse.

However, his bridge is determined to qualify as a sand bridge, and it is revealed that it had been measured at 62 centimetres, which wins him the task.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

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