
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone slides drinks to Louis

In the first round, the contestants must slide whisky glasses to Louis. Kevin goes first, and slides one directly into Louis’ hand, though does move his hand to help out. Marie-Lyne goes second, and also successfully slides a drink directly into Louis’ hand. Mona is up third, but her glass slides diagonally off of the end of the bar. Stepping up to the bar fourth, Tammy’s drink slides diagonally across the surface towards Louis, and he moves his hand to catch it. Phil goes last and successfully slides his drink directly into Louis’ hand. Mona is the first contestant eliminated.

In the second round, the contestants must slide shot glasses to Louis. Kevin again goes first, and slides his glass directly into Louis’ hand, though Louis does state that he had moved his hand a little, in assistance. Marie-Lyne takes her turn second, and slides her glass directly into Louis’ hand. Tammy then takes her turn and also successfully slides her glass directly into Louis’ hand. Phil then downs the shot that was meant for him to slide down the bar, before taking the remaining shot glass from the tray and sliding that instead. Phil’s glass hits Louis’ hand and spills all over him, so Phil is eliminated.

In the third round, the contestants must slide pint glasses to Louis. Kevin goes first and slides his glass directly into Louis’ hand. Marie-Lyne’s aim is just enough off course that it misses Louis’ hand and slides off the end of the table. Tammy’s slide hits Louis’ watch, causing him to miss the catch and the drink to spill. Marie-Lyne and Tammy are therefore both eliminated, and so Kevin wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)