
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lucy coughs while Sam and Julian think crucifixes are evil

Lucy begins the task in the garage, while Julian and Sam begin in the lab.

Lucy starts by telling the boys to start by placing “the thing that goes on the floor that keeps your feet warm”, which Julian correctly identifies as a rug, though Sam initially thinks Lucy is talking about socks.

Lucy uses the word “right” several times while instructing Sam and Julian to get a chair, so Alex helpfully points out the presence of the list of forbidden words on the wall.

Lucy continues to tell the boys what to find by giving verbose definitions of each forbidden word, such as calling a plant “something in your house that’s green and you have to water”.

While giving the definition for “mannequin”, Lucy has a coughing fit, and Sam seems genuinely concerned, asking Lucy if the garage is filled with smoke or gas.

It’s not immediately obvious from the edit, but Lucy apparently has Sam and Julian gather the majority of the items in the lab before instructing them on how they should be arranged within the scene.

Unfortunately, as she starts to tell them how to place the items, she fails to hold down the walkie talkie button, so her initial instructions are not received. Thankfully, Julian speaks to her through the walkie talkie after a few seconds of silence, asking her for a response.

Lucy is particularly bad at not saying the forbidden directional words, especially because she often starts her sentences with the word “Right” (arguably, this shouldn’t have counted against her, since she was not using the word to direct her team-mates).

When instructing Julian and Sam on where to place their items, Lucy continues her verbose (but somehow still vague) definitions, telling them to put “the evil things they have on churches opposite the thing that goes in the bath”. Notably, Julian seems to think the first item she is referring to in this instruction is a crucifix, rather than a gargoyle.

When their time is up, Julian expresses his concern to Lucy about her cough, and – not missing an opportunity for some innuendo – advises her to “suck on a Fisherman’s Friend”.

Sam and Julian’s recreation of the garage did not include the chair, blanket, or plinths. They use a mannequin head (possibly the same one used by Bob Mortimer during his attempt at the ‘Perform a miracle’ task) to represent the mannequin, a chicken with two large feathers on it to represent the flamingos, Ardal O’Hanlon’s wind-up owl to represent the gargoyle, a small rubber duck to represent the large rubber duck, a pineapple to represent the giant pineapple, a Dia de Muertos-themed skull planter to represent the clown bin, and a small houseplant to represent the plant. Behind the houseplant, they’ve also placed a wooden spoon with two small wooden dowels taped to it, which Julian had created as a crucifix.

In the studio, Greg tells Sam that he’s impressed that Sam got to flamingos from the description “those two brightly-coloured things they have in zoos,” and theorises that Lucy sometimes sets out to deliberately do poorly on tasks, pointing out the fact that she’d neglected to hold down the walkie-talkie button at points.

In total, Lucy used forbidden words 27 times, and Sam and Julian accurately recreated seven things from the garage scene.

Greg awards both teams 3 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)