
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Recreate the garage scene in the lab

Task types:
Multiple brief

Task briefs

The task brief for the contestants in the lab is found inside the box provided for their garage scene recreation, along with a walkie-talkie. The initial location of the task brief read by the contestants in the garage is not known. The briefs for the task are as follows:

To the contestant(s) in the lab:

Recreate your team-mate’s garage scene.

You have 15 minutes.

Your time starts when your team-mate calls.

To the contestant in the garage:

Instruct your team-mate(s) to create your garage scene.

You may not say any of the words on any of the labels.

You may not leave your location.

Most accurate recreation wins.

You had 15 minutes.

Your time has already started.

[Extra line, not read out loud to their team-mate(s)] Also, you must try on all the outfits in the basket one at a time, and not mention anything about it to your teammate(s).

Task notes

  • One member of each team completes their part of the task in the garage, which has been furnished with a variety of furniture and other props, including: a rug; a chair covered in a striped blanket; a plinth with a large rubber duck on top of it; another plinth with a gargoyle on top of it; a mannequin; a large golden pineapple; a large potted plant; two lawn flamingos; the Lucky Dip clown trash can from season 14 (as seen in the ‘Communicate an instruction in a secret language’ task; and strings of lights hanging from the ceiling.
  • All of the items in the garage are labelled, designating words which the contestant in the garage may not say.
  • Copies of these labels also appear together on the wall of the garage, along with some additional forbidden words which might otherwise be useful for the task. The full list of forbidden words is: Left, Right, Front, Back, Middle, Laundry Basket, Rug, Plant, Mannequin, Gargoyle, Plinth, Pineapple, Flamingos, Clown Bin, Festoon Lights, and Duck.
  • Behind the chair in the garage, there is a laundry basket filled with silly costumes for the contestant to wear, including: a rooster; a llama (possibly the same costume as the one used in the final live task of season 11); a flamingo; a plague doctor mask; and a carrot (possibly the same one worn by Alex during the ‘What ten films are you in?’ task).
  • The other member(s) of their team complete(s) their part of the task in the lab, where a large three-walled box has been set up facing the camera, to represent the garage space.

Task stats

