
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

What ten films are you in?

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

Alex reads the task brief for the contestants, since they cannot see anything. The brief for the task is as follows:

What ten films are you in?

You have 15 minutes.

Most correct films named wins.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • The contestants arrive in the living room wearing cardboard boxes on their heads, upon which are printed enlarged projections of their own heads.
  • Alex is in the room, dressed as a carrot.
  • A variety of clues to the titles of eight films are laid along a long, narrow table across the middle of the room, for them to feel:
  • 1. A ram and an archery bow (Rambo).
  • 2. A wizard's hat and a boomerang (The Wizard of Oz).
  • 3. Several jars (Jaws).
  • 4. A golf club encrusted with cornflakes (The Breakfast Club).
  • 5. A bowl of frozen peas (Frozen).
  • 6. An orange with a clockwork wind-up key (A Clockwork Orange).
  • 7. A small pile of rocks (Rocky).
  • 8. A water pistol and a fan (Gone With the Wind).
  • The clues to the ninth film are worn/held by Alex: carrot suit, carrots, a tea bag, and a small plastic goat (Karate Kid).
  • The tenth film is based on the contestants' situation of having their head in a box (Se7en).

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Dara guesses 'Bowfinger' for the first film before correctly answering 'Rambo'. He has problems remembering what a boomerang is called, when trying to figure out the second film. For the third film, he incorrectly guesses 'The Three Amigos'. He gives up on the fourth film and the fifth film, but correctly identifies the sixth as 'A Clockwork Orange'. He incorrectly guesses 'Romancing the Stone' for the seventh film. He initially guesses 'Carroty Goat' for the ninth, before correctly identifying that it is 'Karate Kid'. His is unable to identify the tenth film, represented by himself. Overall, he correctly guessed the titles of three films, placing last in the task.
  • Fern correctly guesses 'Rambo' for the first film. She guesses 'Australian Wizard' for the second film, before correctly naming 'The Wizard of Oz'. She quite quickly identifies that the fourth film is 'Breakfast Club' and that the fifth is 'Frozen'. She is unable to identify the sixth film. She guesses 'Top Gun', 'Fan Gun' and then 'Fanny Weapon' for the eighth film. She guesses 'Carroty Ginger' for the ninth film. Overall, she correctly identified six of the films, placing third in the task.
  • John immediately guesses 'Se7en' as one of the films, without any clues from Alex, just based on the fact that his head was in a box. He thinks the wizard's hat is an elf's hat, while trying to figure out the second film. He incorrectly guesses 'The Chipmunks' for the third film. For the fifth film, he guesses 'Peas'. He correctly identifies the sixth film as 'A Clockwork Orange', but incorrectly guesses 'Moon' for the seventh. He correctly identifies the eighth film as 'Gone with the Wind', but incorrectly guesses 'Carroty Ram' for the ninth. Overall, he correctly identified four of the films. In the studio, Greg asks him to pitch the plot for the movie 'Peas', which he describes as a story where a gardener is killed by peas, who then take over and live his life. He is awarded fourth place in the task.
  • Munya quickly identifies that the first film is 'Rambo' and the second is 'The Wizard of Oz'. He incorrectly guesses that the third is 'Jar Wars'. He describes the clue for the fourth as 'a golf club with eczema' before correctly identifying the film as 'Breakfast Club'. He then hits a streak, correctly guessing that the fifth film is 'Frozen', that the sixth is 'A Clockwork Orange', that the seventh is 'Rocky', that the eighth is 'Gone with the Wind', and that the ninth is 'Karate Kid'. He is unable to identfy the tenth film, however, but did correctly identify eight of the films, winning the task.
  • Sarah incorrectly guesses that the first film is 'Silence of the Rams', and that the second is 'The Wizard of Oz Returns', before correctly guessing 'The Wizard of Oz'. She correctly guesses that the third is 'Jaws', but incorrectly identifies the fourth as 'Fight Club'. She correctly guesses that the fifth film is 'Frozen', and that the sixth is 'A Clockwork Orange'. She guesses that the seventh is 'The Rock' and then 'The Rock 2', before correctly identifying it as 'Rocky'. She incorrectly guesses that the eighth film is 'Gundhi' before identifying that it is, in fact, 'Gone with the Wind'. She guesses 'Big Heads', 'Coneheads' and 'Cardboard Heads' for the tenth, but doesn't arrive at the correct answer. Overall, she correctly identified seven of the films, placing second in the task.

(Source credit: Karl Craven)