
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian draws Lucy’s nana

After his lacklustre attempt at the ‘Choose a new nickname’ task, Julian had admitted in the studio that he hadn’t been aware that he was allowed to ask the production team to produce short films for him. This lack of knowledge becomes apparent once again during his attempt at this task, as his solution is to simply create a drawing using wax crayons.

After Alex brings him his requested art supplies, Julian sorts through the bowl of crayons, removing the yellow ones, as “no-one wants yellow in an artwork” (it’s unclear whether he was aware that the portrait of Greg just behind him is entirely yellow and black).

Julian converses with Alex as he draws, asking Alex if he “does comedy”. Alex replies that he’s tried in the past, and that he also sometimes sings jazz in a band. Julian replies that jazz gives him hives, and Alex agrees with this sentiment.

Julian then finishes his drawing and leaves, wishing Alex luck with his career, “such as it is”.

Julian’s drawing is then presented in the studio, revealing that he’d drawn a very thin person, with an emphasis on the head, shoulders, knees, and toes, which stick out prominently from the body.

Lucy chimes in to observe that everyone knows someone who looks like Julian’s drawing. When challenged on this by Greg, Lucy says that Julian’s drawing resembles her grandmother, “when she didn’t have her teeth in”.

Greg tells Julian that he likes the drawing, but does not see how it’s powerful. Without a better rationale in mind, Julian argues that the fact that the Taskmaster likes the drawing is, in itself, the drawing’s power.

Greg awards Julian fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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