
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona, Phil, and Tammy break down

Tammy feeds Phil, Phil feeds Mona, and Mona feeds Tammy.

Mona is hesitant to dive straight into the melon, as she wants to preserve her make-up.

Phil grabs the melon Tammy offers to him to stabilise and reposition it before releasing it to take bites.

By the time she finally takes a bite of her watermelon, Mona complains that it tastes like fermented alcohol, and requests a different slice from Phil.

Eventually, the team dynamic starts to fall apart. Phil, annoyed that Mona isn’t eating watermelon fast enough, throws a watermelon slice at Mona. In retaliation, Mona uses her grabber to try to untie Phil’s shoelaces. Phil and Mona then start fighting one another with their grabbers.

As Tammy muses that the task is somewhat erotic, Phil points out that Mona looks like “the bad guy in Spider-Man with all the arms”, leading Mona to cackle and provide the name Phil can’t remember: “Doctor Octopus” (thus coining the episode title).

When Mona insists that she cannot eat any more watermelon, as she’s not hungry, Phil exclaims that it’s all about points and not hunger (a contradiction to his prior philosophy about points and eating, during the ‘Identify the baby food flavours’ task), and starts attacking her fake breasts with his grabber (for which he later apologises, in the studio).

In the remaining seconds of the task, Tammy feeds a final slice of watermelon to Phil, who eats it with particular gusto, leading Mona to compliment Phil on his apparent lack of a gag reflex.

Afterwards, Phil stands behind Mona with two of the grabbers, and Mona pretends to be Doctor Octopus.

Mona, Phil, and Tammy eat 891g of watermelon – 297g each – and come second, earning 3 points each “because they were funny”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)