
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone draws on each other’s backs

After reading out the task brief, Tammy says that since her team has three people, they are at a distinct disadvantage. In an echo of events from the original version of the task, Louis responds that it all evens out because “Marie-Lyne has to work with Kevin.”

In the first round, Phil and Kevin are at the front of their lines. Phil draws something that resembles a large square-legged pig, complete with a small curly tail. Kevin draws something that resembles a small but nondescript squiggly animal. They were meant to draw a horse, and Louis judges that the team of three win the round.

In the second round, Tammy and Marie-Lyne are at the front of their lines. Marie-Lyne pulls her sweater up and tells Kevin to draw directly on her back. Tammy complains to Mona that she can’t feel anything being drawn on her back, to which Mona jokingly replies that Tammy may be having a stroke. Mona also points out that her drawing finger keeps getting stuck in Tammy’s bra. Tammy draws something which vaguely resembles a rowboat viewed from above, with a plus sign above it. Marie-Lyne draws a house. They were meant to draw a church, and Louis rules that the team of two wins the round.

In the third round, Mona and Kevin are at the front of their lines. During the artist trade-off, Phil informs Mona of his strategy: he plans on using Mona’s hips as part of his available canvas. Mona quickly points out the fatal flaw in Phil’s idea: her hips are the result of a lot of padding, meaning that she won’t be able to feel anything. Phil laughs at this and admits he’d forgotten. Mona draws two pictures: what looks like three backwards musical notes, and what looks like the word ‘lele’ in cursive. Kevin draws what looks like a fat vase, and two vague squiggly shapes. They were meant to draw three aubergines. After taking a closer look at the drawings, Louis rules that Kevin’s vase shape looks the most like an aubergine, and so he awards the round to the team of two.

Kevin and Marie-Lyne win the task, and earn 5 points each. Mona, Phil, and Tammy earn second place, and 3 points each.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)