
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian’s fancy footwork

Christian says that he has brought something that can end most things.

Christian removes the cloth covering his prize to reveal a small stage and a pair of tap shoes, which he proceeds to put on.

He notes that he had specifically considered Olli when he thought of his prize, as he knows that Olli is a skilled tap dancer.

As Christian dons the shoes, he explains that while most people may view tap dancing as entertainment, it can also be used as punctuation. As an example, he pretends to end the show (using the customary leaving/ending phrase “Takk for meg!” [‘Thanks for having me!’]), and taps out a short rhythm, reminiscent of the classic percussive sting/drum rimshot.

He then shows that tap can be used similarly to end other things, like Marte’s trip to the bathroom with her toilet paper (“That was wonderful to get out!”) and to end a relationship (“I love you, but we should just end it”). Notably, he also ends these examples with the phrase “Takk for meg!”.

While Atle is debating the scoring for the task, Christian drags and taps his shoes across the stage, in acknowledgement of Marte’s worry that Atle tends to forget some prize task entries. Atle comments in response that he has not forgotten the tap shoes.

Atle ultimately awards Christian third place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores