Tuva’s fashion choice
Tuva brings in something that she claims can be the end of many things: friendships, dates, and especially marriages, as her item is grounds for divorce. She submits as her prize submission the fashion choice of wearing socks with sandals.
Notably, someone is lying underneath Tuva’s chair, covered with a large red cloth. The identity of this person is never revealed, and we only see their sock-and-sandal-clad feet poking out.
Tuva notes that she had been in contact with Atle’s friend Johan Golden (comedian, co-host of Atle’s weekly radio show Misjonen (‘The Mission’), and band member with Atle in the comedic cover band DDR), as well as with Atle’s son Kasper, and had asked both men for a picture of Atle wearing sandals with socks, but neither could provide her with one. Kasper texted the following message to her:
Hi! I think that, on principle, he would never think of wearing that. I think he would use the words ‘too urban’, ‘daft’, and ‘I’m not that kind of guy’. I don’t know what he does in the bedroom, but out here in the outside world, he only has bare feet in his sandals.
Atle makes a note to compliment Kasper on handling the situation well, and awards Tuva second place.
(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)