
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian opts for taxidermy

Christian uses spectacles, though he does not always wear them during the tasks. As he approaches the task brief and sees the small spinning top on it, he jokes that there is a little piece of sponge cake on top of his task. He then says he had better put on his glasses, and is subsequently surprised to find that the sponge cake is actually a spinning top.

Christian notices the small print at the bottom of the task brief, though he initially believes it to be Morse code. In order to make out the text, he takes a photo of it with his phone and then zooms in on the image. After doing so, and reading the small print, he expresses his relief that he had spotted it.

With Olli’s help, Christian moves the taxidermy Norwegian red deer from the study to the shed, where they place it on two planks of wood on top of the wheels of a small, overturned cart. Olli lets go of his end of the deer, and it promptly falls off of its pedestal.

Christian spends some time trying to perfect the angle of the boards, to compensate for the odd weight distribution of the deer. Wwhen he finally tries to spin the deer again, it completes half a rotation before falling again.

Seemingly realising that he has lost the task (nearly half his time was spent getting the deer out of the house) Christian declares that he is satisfied with his result, and leaves.

In the studio, Atle enforces the task’s rule about the top having to spin for at least five seconds, and awards Christian joint last place. However, unlike his fellow last place scorers, Atle makes sure to distinguish Christian’s score as a “solid” 1-pointer, since he had actually managed to build and spin something, and had avoided the ‘snurrebass’ trap.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores