
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tete makes a snurrebass with lots of balls

Tete does not spot the small print on the task brief.

He drags a shopping trolley full of balls up the steps and onto the patio, causing many to spill out as he does.

When Olli asks Tete if he has chosen a ‘snurrebass’ “with lots of balls”, Tete smiles and says that it only makes sense. When Olli asks why, Tete gestures to his genitals and simply replies, “Snurrebass. Balls.”

While Tete is on the balcony, tying the shopping trolley to its railing, to suspend it above the patio, Olli asks what relationships he thinks the other contestants may have with ‘snurrebass’. Tete replies that two of the other contestants have one, and the other two may want one.

When Tete calls down to Olli from the balcony, and asks how much time he has left, Olli replies that he had run out of time nearly six minutes prior to asking the question. When Tete expresses his disbelief that his time has already run out, Olli clarifies that Tete has only actually spent 16 minutes and 40 seconds on the task, but that it had been nearly seven minutes since his time had run out. Tete does not understand Olli’s meaning, and Olli offers no further clarification.

Tete retrieves the task brief and re-reads it, finally noticing the small print. He screams in frustration, complaining that if he had only been able to pull the shopping trolley up a little further, that it would have just kept spinning for a long time, likely earning him a high score in the task. Olli simply grins and offers a thumbs-up as Tete storms back into the house.

Atle awards Tete joint last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores