
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tuva just makes snurrebass jokes

Tuva does not see the small print on the task brief.

When Olli asks her about her relationship to ‘snurrebass’, she admits that it’s been a few years since she’s had one. She says she could have easily made something else to fulfil the task requirement, but she knows he’s referring to spinning tops.

Tuva says that they need to go out to the shed, but then laughs as she expresses her doubts that there will be many ‘snurrebass’ to be found there. She confirms to Olli at this point that, yes, she has made a second ‘snurrebass’ joke.

Tuva finds some sort of exercise ball in the shed, and discovers that it wobbles in a circle when left alone, thanks to the weighted plastic on its top. She says that she just needs to make the “top”, and they’ll have a ‘snurrebass’ (it could be argued that this one isn’t really a penis joke; Olli even asks if Tuva’s wink means that she’s made a joke, and Tuva replies that one must wink every time one says ‘snurrebass’, just for convention’s sake).

The ball ends up rolling down the slope in the garden, and Tuva runs after it to retrieve it. Upon returning, she asks Olli how much time she has left, and Olli informs her that she has just 30 seconds remaining. At Tuva’s disbelief that she has been standing by the shed for her entire time, Olli clarifies that she’s only been standing there for four and a half minutes, but offers no further explanation.

Tuva retrieves the task brief and, after re-reading it, finally spots the small print.

In the studio, Olli further breaks down Tuva’s attempt, noting that she had made 10 ‘snurrebass’ jokes in under five minutes, for which the audience applauds her.

Atle awards Tuva joint last place.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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