
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Julian breaks the rules

At the start of his attempt, Julian reveals that he not only has a driver’s license, but is also a member of the Advanced Motorists Association (in the studio, Julian clarifies that this is related to his father’s career as a policeman), and he then tells Alex that he can “stick that in your pipe”.

While Julian is waiting for the signals to change so he can start his journey, he tells Alex that he isn’t quite clear about the signals, but states that he assumes that red will mean stop. Alex replies that this isn’t the case.

Julian is called back by Alex at the first signal, which was amber when he reached it, but then changes to green as he makes his way back. After being educated by Alex about the meaning of the amber signal, Julian asks him about what the red signal means.

Unlike Lucy, Sam, and Sue, Julian does not take any notes, instead opting to rely on his memory. This works out well for him, and he makes his way through the course.

Unfortunately, he is stopped at the final signal, having either forgotten or never having learned what to do at the yellow flag, and is thus called back again by Alex.

However, Julian ignores Alex, at this point, deciding to simply drive on past the signal and the finish line.

In the studio, Greg calls Julian’s reaction at the end of his attempt a “chillingly-calm meltdown”, and Julian states that he could “smell freedom”, after feeling that he had already been there too long. When Alex reveals that Julian had only been attempting the task for 13 minutes, Julian responds that Alex was the only person there to talk to, implying that Greg should understand the struggle.

Julian is disqualified for not completing the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores