
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Obey all of the traffic signals

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is laid on the seat of a ride-on floor sweeper. The brief for the task is as follows:

Drive across the finish line.

You must obey all the rules of the road, and must only stop your vehicle at a traffic signal.

If you disobey a rule, Alex will blow his whistle, and you must return to the start for a 10 second driving lesson.

Fastest wins.

Your time starts when the traffic signals first change.

Task notes

  • The contestants meet Alex at a gate, at the end of a driveway which runs past the cricket pavilion at the Wormsley Estate, where he is standing next to a ride-on floor sweeper.
  • Before they read the task brief, Alex asks each contestant if they have a driving license.
  • On the driveway at the other end of the pavilion, a finish line has been strung across the driveway.
  • Between the sweeper and the finish line, five ‘traffic signals’ have been set up, each consisting of a wooden barrier, painting black, with the ‘TM’ logo on it. Behind each of these, there is a member of the production crew, manually operating the signals by rotating a series of flags mounted on the back of the barrier (it appears that there are four flags behind each barrier).
  • The signal flags appear in six different colours, with the following meanings: amber – activate brushes; blue – go back to the previous signal; green – wait three seconds; red – go; purple – walk around your vehicle once; and yellow – beep the horn.
  • After the contestants make their first mistake, Alex dons an officious-looking cap with a blue flashing light attached to the top of it, and calls them back for a 10 second driving lesson, which consists of him explaining what one or more of the different coloured signal flags means (it seems he is perfectly willing to explain more than one of them at a time, if the contestant asks within the allotted 10 seconds).

Task stats
