
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sam makes the most of traffic school

Sam manages to obtain a penalty before even reaching the first signal and, despite not having a driving license, seems comfortable enough driving the ride-on sweeper to operate it in reverse to return to Alex.

Alex informs Sam that he had neglected to activate his brushes at the amber signal, and then Sam asks Alex what the red signal means. Alex hurriedly tells Sam that the red signal means ‘Go’, and then tells him that his driving lesson is over.

Sam gets called back at the second signal, because the colour of its flag had changed before he could get past it. After presumably being informed about the signal he had disobeyed, Sam takes the opportunity to again ask what the green signal means, and Alex informs him that it means he must wait for three seconds before continuing.

Sam reached the third signal, but is again called back when he mistakes the requirements for the amber signal (turning on brushes) and the purple signal (walking around the sweeper). Once again, Sam asks prompts Alex to tell him what another signal means, and learns that the yellow signal means he must beep his horn.

After several more failed attempts, Sam sources a pen and paper, and then writes down all of the signal rules so that he will no longer mix them up. Following his own notes, Sam eventually makes it to the end of the course, but then stops right before the finish line, rather than crossing it. As he had stopped somewhere where there was no traffic signal, Alex therefore calls him back to the start again.

After attending traffic school once again, Sam successfully finishes the course, before running back to Alex and telling him that he should be ashamed of himself for what he’d done at the end.

Sam completes the task in 26 minutes and 22 seconds, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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