
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas opts for a Tiguan

Jonas starts with a fairly long pole but, after walking around the driveway with it, to test how it handles, decides to shorten it. As he does so, he likens the pole to an SUV: he claims that this small difference in length is the difference between a Land Rover and a Volkswagen Tiguan, with the latter being much easier to manoeuvre.

He almost immediately runs into difficulty with navigating the pole through the house. He is more careful with his long pole than Annika, almost exclusively racking up penalties whenever he needs to turn it.

After wondering how to move the pole through the canvas tunnel, Jonas eventually accepts that he will incur a penalty and slides it through on the ground, insisting that this is all one single, lengthy touch.

Jonas wisely plans ahead before approaching the tyres, moving himself to the side of the pole, and placing himself in a position to move his hands along its length while passing it through, thus avoiding any penalties.

He also seems to navigate the mailbox unpenalised, but then carelessly hits the back end of the pole against the ground, on his way to the finishing stand.

When Mark asks Jonas how he thinks his attempt had gone, Jonas is less than positive.

In the studio, Jonas says that he believes that once he’d started throwing the pole (through the canvas tunnel), he had given up on any hope of winning the task.

Having started with a 5.49 metre pole, Jonas makes 12 errors, resulting in a finishing length of 4.29 metres. Jonas therefore wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores