
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Natural Friends provide a turbulent stay

In the studio, after the task brief is read, Greg states that he is certain that The Natural Friends’ attempt will boil down to “Uncle Julian managing the two lunatics”.

Unlike The Sues, The Natural Friends do not explore the reception area before reading the task brief, so are very ill-prepared when Qrs arrives to check in.

As Julian looks for a reservation book, Sam hands Qrs a large decorative feather, and says that it’s a complementary gift for all guests.

Lucy wants to assign Qrs a room based on his favourite number, but Julian soon finds the correct number in the reservation book.

Sam plays luggage porter, and Lucy looks around the house for the correct room, while Qrs wonders out loud if maybe there is some sort of information book that might be able to help them. Qrs waits in the kitchen as Lucy and Julian find the information book at the reception desk and search through it.

The Natural Friends eventually lead Qrs to his room in the hutch, and Sam throws Qrs’ suitcase through the open window and onto the bed.

When Qrs requests some alone time, Lucy instead offers him a service whereby she sits on the shelf just underneath the window and sings to him. Qrs turns down this service, but Lucy sings anyways, while Julian and Sam stare silently at him through the window.

Qrs makes a phone call, and Julian wonders if maybe he’s calling the reception desk. The three jog back to the desk, and Sam answers the phone (“What’s up?”).

Qrs requests both room service and a different room with a view. Sam goes back to the hutch and calls through the open window, confirming with Qrs that he wants a different room. He then escorts Qrs to the caravan, but has difficulty opening it, so asks Qrs to do it for him.

Qrs enters the caravan and complains that there is no bedding there. Sam dumps a handful of room keys into Qrs’ hand and says that if he wants to change rooms again, he can just pick one for himself. Sam then runs away, eventually returning with an armful of bedding (presumably from the hutch).

Meanwhile, Julian and Lucy are making Qrs’ food. Julian points out that the sandwich needs to be on warm bread, so Lucy suggests they microwave the bread (according to the information book, the bread needs to be lightly toasted; this seems to indicate that The Natural Friends either still have not found the information book, or have not looked through it).

Lucy starts to cut the crusts off of the slices of bread, but both she and Julian quickly switch to using their fingers to tear the crusts off instead.

Julian and Lucy deliver the sandwich and milk to Qrs in his new caravan room, along with Ardal O’Hanlon’s wind-operated owl. Qrs has changed into a bathrobe since she last saw him, so Lucy compliments his legs, which Qrs finds inappropriate.

Qrs then wanders over to reception with a bag full of laundry, and requests from Julian that his outfit be cleaned. While he is making this request, Sam sets up the bedding in the caravan, and spells ‘HI’ on the bed with the forks from Qrs’ luggage.

Lucy, meanwhile, takes a French horn from the hutch and starts playing it near the open reception door. When Qrs questions why Lucy is playing the French horn, Julian simply shrugs and replies that she’s French.

Qrs returns to the caravan and finds Sam’s message – but also Sam, who has remained in the caravan, hidden in a corner.

Lucy runs to the caravan and insists that Qrs needs a spa treatment right at that very moment, because everyone’s shift is almost over. Given that Qrs points out with some annoyance that he has a ‘Do not disturb’ sign on his door, it seems that this is a decision that she has made herself, and that he did not call and request it. As Sam, Lucy, and Qrs walk to the dome/spa, Sam also compliments Qrs’ legs.

Julian returns to the reception desk to find that the room is filling with smoke, and his initial solution is to open a window. He then finds the fire alarm button and presses it, which alerts the trio in the dome/spa, and Lucy immediately asks Qrs if he is a wanted man. Sam joins in, asking if Qrs is a white-collar criminal. Julian – carrying the information book – then arrives and informs everyone that they need to go to the fire assembly point. Despite having the information book (which presumably says where the fire assembly point is), he leads everyone towards the gate of the Taskmaster property, where he insists that roll call must be taken before everyone can return.

Qrs then returns to his room, and Lucy and Julian return to reception. Qrs calls and says that he needs to check out soon, but that he first wants a glass of milk and a bedtime story. Lucy insists that there’s no time for such things, but Qrs demands it.

Lucy tucks Qrs and herself into bed together, while Julian arrives with a glass of milk. As Julian and Sam sit on the bed, Lucy tells a story about a lovely-legged boy named Qrs.

Qrs declares that it is now time for him to check out, so he heads to reception. When he asks how much the stay is, Julian totals up all of the services (seemingly making up the prices) and states that the bill will be £385.

Lucy arrives with Qrs’ luggage, and Sam follows with his arms full of bedding, insisting that it now belongs to Qrs.

Qrs – wearing only a jacket and boxer shorts at this point, as he never got his laundry back – starts to walk towards the gate, but Lucy calls after him that he needs to wear trousers to his meeting. Sam and Julian, however, wave and encourage Qrs to leave through the gates and onto the street.

In the studio, Alex confirms that the experience was “turbulent”, and reveals that he had tipped Julian £20, which Julian had kept for himself.

Greg awards The Natural Friends’ “absolute carnage” 2 points each.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)