
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

The Sues dry-run the Ooh-Hoo-Hoo Hotel

Before reading the task brief, The Sues put on their name tags and explore the reception desk, finding all of the room keys in one of the drawers, and looking through the reservation book.

In the studio, after the task brief is read, Greg states that he is certain that The Sues will enjoy “playing together as hotel managers”, and that he wouldn’t be surprised if they actually opened up a B&B together, off the back of the experience.

After a minor hiccup during check-in, where Sue initially believes Qrs to be another guest named Brian O’Yoghurt (the only guest name she had read in the book, prior to the task brief being read), Susan leads Qrs to his room and gets him settled, giving little to no indication that she does not actually know where his room is.

Sue soon follows with Qrs’ bags, and the two return to the reception desk, as Susan is suspicious that Qrs will soon call for services. When Sue is surprised by Susan’s demeanour, Susan confirms that she has worked in hospitality before.

Susan’s suspicions are soon proven correct, as Qrs calls requesting room service: a hot cucumber sandwich and a glass of milk. As Sue speaks with Qrs on the phone, Susan looks through the Taskmaster Hotel manual and finds the room service menu, which tells her exactly what a hot cucumber sandwich is (cucumber between two slices of warm bread).

The Sues start making the food in the kitchen, but Susan is drawn away as Qrs calls again, requesting a room change, as he’d wanted a room with a view. Susan looks through the reservation book, and says she will check to see if Room 20 (the caravan) is free.

As Sue finishes making the food, Susan quickly checks the caravan before joining Qrs at the hutch, where she sees the contents of his open suitcase: forks and marbles. The sight causes her to break out in laughter, from which she is unable to recover.

Sue soon arrives with the hot cucumber sandwich (but no milk), and escorts Qrs to the caravan, leaving Susan still laughing in the hutch.

Qrs eats his sandwich, but upon noticing he has no drink, calls the reception desk again. Sue just so happens to be passing by the open door leading to the reception (as she is carrying Qrs’ luggage from the hutch) when the phone rings, so she darts in and picks up the phone, apologising for forgetting the milk.

Susan emerges from the hutch and continues carrying Qrs’ luggage to the caravan, while Sue goes to the kitchen, pours a glass of milk, and delivers it to the caravan.

Susan returns to the reception desk and snacks on cucumber slices, musing that “running a business is bullshit”. Sue soon joins her, and Susan hands her a few cucumber slices. Sue immediately places them over her closed eyes, but is forced to quickly remove them as Qrs enters, clutching a bag of clothing, requesting laundry service for his meeting in 15 minutes.

Qrs returns to his caravan and immediately calls reception again, requesting a spa session. Sue leads Qrs to the spa area in the dome, and starts to give him a sloppy hair wash. As she does, Sue asks Qrs what his meeting is about, and Qrs replies that it’s “always forks and marbles” (the contents of his suitcase), thus coining the episode title.

Meanwhile, while attempting to deal with Qrs’ laundry, Susan is distracted by a noise coming from reception; when she checks it out, she finds that the room is filling with smoke. Realising that she likely needs to run an evacuation, Susan checks the manual, and finds the procedure for a fire. After pressing the fire warning alarm, Susan goes to the dome/spa and calmly leads Sue and Qrs to the assembly point: the stage near the hutch.

After returning to his room, Qrs calls reception once again and requests another glass of milk and a bedtime story. Susan delegates the task to Sue, as Qrs has called back yet again, requesting bedding. Annoyed that it took him so long to figure out that he has no bedding, Susan searches the house before running to the hutch and gathering up the bedding from that room for him. She delivers it to the caravan as Sue tells Qrs a bedtime story about a bear.

Qrs then requests his clothes from Susan as she makes up his bed. She apologises for the difficulty in getting them cleaned, but assures him that she has provided him with an alternative. Susan offers Qrs her own outfit. When Qrs says that he needs to be wearing dungarees, Susan insists that her outfit is dungarees (she is correct). Susan changes out of her outfit in the house, and Sue runs it over to the caravan (claiming that they are warm because they are freshly-laundered).

The Sues return to reception – Susan having now donned a white boiler suit – and Qrs soon arrives there wearing Susan’s sparkly dungarees, wishing to check out. The Sues assure him that they will forward his own clothing when it has been cleaned, and Qrs leaves.

In the studio, Sue confirms that Qrs Tuvwxyz was a “demanding tool”, and Susan explains her laughter meltdown as a “third-eye moment” over how ludicrous the whole scenario was, when she was faced with a suitcase filled with forks and marbles.

Greg dubs The Sues’ hotel the “Ooh-Hoo-Hoo Hotel” (based on Susan’s laughter over the forks and marbles).

Alex reveals that he had tipped Sue throughout the task, and that Sue had then shared all of the tips with Susan.

Greg awards The Sues 5 points each, as “inexplicably, they really cared”.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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