
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone inflates their balloons

Christine focuses on the task at hand, and inflates the largest balloon, earning first place.

Ève focuses on the task at hand, and successfully defends her balloon from Mehdi's attempts to interfere. She inflates the second largest balloon, earning second place.

Jo manages to drop his balloon towards the end of the time, and then Christine bursts it with her foot, at the end of the task, probably because he had attempted to interfere with hers. He earns fourth place.

Matthieu focuses on the task at hand, and successfully defends his balloon from Mehdi's attempts to interfere. He inflates the third largest balloon, earning third place.

Mehdi's strategy seems to be to hold off on inflating his balloon until the end, for some reason. He also attempts to interfere with Matthieu and Ève, either side of him. Both strategies prove to be his downfall, as his balloon is not actually tied in time. Matthieu then wrestles the balloon off of him, and kicks it into the audience. He still earns 1 point for his effort, though.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)