
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan plugs his nose

Johan believes that at least one contestant will eat the chocolate “out of laziness”.

He admits to liking spicy foods, so keeps the chilli pepper under consideration, but rejects the potato for being too “blasé” of a choice.

Johan does not seem to know what a durian fruit is, believing it to be a dragon fruit. He opens the jar and immediately recoils at the smell.

Johan believes that Maria will eat the cat food, as she gives off “cat lady” vibes – though, unlike Behrouz, he insists that the words are meant with a positive connotation: she is simply likely to be a lady who owns cats.

Johan turns his attention back to the durian, saying that he is curious as to the taste of something that smells so awful, and so he leaves the lab in search of a clothes pin.

When Johan returns, David truthfully informs him that the majority of people find the taste of durian to be delicious (those who like it tend to describe it as tasting like custard), despite the smell, but that some do find it off-putting.

After fixing the clothes pin to his nose, Johan proceeds to eat the entire jar of durian fruit, which he seems to enjoy based on his initial tasting, but admits that his strong sense memory of the awful smell is what is causing his delay in eating.

As Johan leaves the lab, the smell of the durian finally gets to David, who retches behind his clipboard.

Johan earns joint first place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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