
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Christian breaks the metronome

Christian chooses to say ‘Ø’, as it functions as both a letter of the Dano-Norwegian alphabet and as a word in its own right (meaning ‘island’).

After reading the task brief, Christian immediately grabs the metronome and starts running around the table with it, holding it away from Mark while looking at the objects whenever he can.

Despite being caught by Mark at one point, Christian manages to break free, and then runs out of the room and into the garden. As there is no camera set up outside, what happens next is not seen, but Christian either drops or throws the metronome, which subsequently breaks apart. When Mark returns to the study with the broken metronome, Christian simply calls it a “cheap model”.

While Christian initially thinks that the order of the items has something to do with the material of which each is made, he soon recognises the numeric pattern in their names, and so organises the items correctly.

In the studio, Lasse reminds Christian that one of the rules of the task was “you cannot change the metronome”. While this likely refers mainly to altering the tempo of the metronome, Lasse rules that breaking the metronome (the remains of which Mark has brought to the studio) also counts.

Christian is disqualified from the task for ‘changing’ the metronome, and so he steals the broken device in retaliation.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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