
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin and Marie-Lyne give Antoine a soggy bottom

Kevin and Marie-Lyne search the shed for things to protect Antoine.

Kevin emerges with a large plastic oil drum, which he immediately places over Antoine’s head. The drum is actually large enough to accommodate Antoine’s entire torso, so he continues lowering it until it stops, leaving just Antoine’s legs exposed.

Marie-Lyne wraps a yoga mat around Antoine’s legs, and tells Kevin that they should each hold a side of it, when it’s time for the shower to turn on.

Kevin brings a plastic tub from the shed and tells Antoine to put his feet into it, but Marie-Lyne quickly kicks it away, reasoning that it will just fill up with water and make Antoine’s feet wet.

Marie-Lyne tells Kevin to get a cord, so she can tie the yoga mat, but is quickly frustrated by both his refusal to hustle, as well as the fact that his chosen cord is a skipping rope, which he then takes his time untangling.

In their final 10 seconds of preparation time, Marie-Lyne tries to fashion the skipping rope into a cord to tie the yoga mat, but runs out of time before she can implement it.

For some reason, rather than sticking to her original plan of each team member holding a side of the yoga mat (which would have been allowed), she then simply drops the mat and backs away from Antoine as the shower turns on, leaving the large plastic oil drum as Antoine’s only protection against the shower.

The oil drum actually works very well in keeping Antoine dry, as the water simply hits the top and rolls backwards. However, another camera angle reveals that the water then merely runs down the back of the oil drum and soaks the back of Antoine’s trousers.

In the studio, Louis takes a moment to apologise to Antoine, promising that if the show gets renewed for a third season, that Antoine will be consulted when it comes to team tasks.

Despite losing the task, Louis awards the team 3 points each for their effort, and the fact that Antoine was still mostly dry.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)