
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Solveig lacks the engineering gene

When introducing the footage of Solveig’s attempt, Olli reminds the audience that one of Solveig’s parents was an engineer, so this task should be comfortably in her wheelhouse. Naturally, the footage starts with Solveig looking over the ingredients in a panic, worrying that she does not have any ideas for her construction.

After becoming increasingly frustrated while trying – and failing – to stack sheets of gingerbread in bridge-like formations at various spots in the study, Solveig eventually has the idea to make a long piece of knekk, which she pours onto a long piece of wax paper on the floor.

Solveig then carefully picks up her knekk creation, and suspends it between two chairs, before quickly telling Olli to measure it. Unfortunately, as Solveig begins to remove her gloves, her knekk bridge breaks in half and shatters on the ground.

With only five minutes left, Solveig scrambles to try to connect pieces of gingerbread with more knekk to make a bridge, but is unsuccessful. When, in desperation, she asks Olli what she needs to do, Olli simply replies that she needs to build a bridge.

Solveig informs Olli that her father had been an engineer – but an electrical engineer, not a civil one. With her time running out, she connects two sheets of gingerbread with knekk, balances it between two chairs, and then carefully crawls underneath it.

In the studio, Alte expresses his astonishment that Solveig had even attempted to make a bridge out of the knekk alone, given that its main quality is in its name (‘knekk’ means ‘break’). Solveig admits that her father would be ashamed of her.

Solveig constructs a 41cm bridge, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores