Episode 4: A bit like Jesus
![Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Litt sånn som Jesus' ['A bit like Jesus'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen. Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Litt sånn som Jesus' ['A bit like Jesus'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen.](/images/episodes/kongen_befaler_cs_2023_04_framed.png)
Episode synopsis
In this final episode, the contestants must bring in something that inspires them to be a good person, make the longest gingerbread bridge, warm up a mug of mulled wine, evict Olli from the caravan, and survive a high-stakes game of ‘musical pours’ which will decide the ultimate winner of the miniseries.
Title context
While introducing the prize task category (‘Something that inspires you to be a good person’), Atle clarifies it by setting the ‘good person’ bar at “A bit like Jesus”.
Taskmaster Intro
A warm welcome to this magical evening at the Drammen theatre. For this group, it is already Christmas Eve, because during the hour we will announce the winner of the Kongen Befaler Christmas special.
Assistant Intro
The man who is as excited as the contestants - the trembling aspen leaf, Olli Wermskog.
Episode stats

Points Awarded

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Tuppenella
- Norwegian Credit: Eli Bjanes (LinQ Media Group)