
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone tries to stare each other out

The first round pits Tammy against Kevin. Tammy is instructed to be a lost child looking for her home. Kevin is instructed to be a 50-something annoyed by their noisy neighbour (or, as Louis puts it, “me on the weekends”). Tammy stands wide-eyed, sucking her thumb. Kevin shakes his fists while robotically growling and yelling “Angry!”. Tammy blinks first and is eliminated.

The second round pits Kevin against Mona. Mona is instructed to be someone trying to stay awake during a courtroom trial. Kevin is instructed to realise he’s on the wrong airplane. Kevin shakes his fists while robotically growling – the exact same thing he did in his prior attempt – while Mona leans her head against her hand and looks bored. Mona blinks first and is eliminated.

In the third round, Kevin faces Phil. Phil is instructed to be someone stuck in their car who really needs to use the bathroom. Kevin is instructed to continue to be the same person on the wrong airplane from his previous attempt, who now believes his seat-mate to be a serial killer. Kevin sticks with his previous mimes – shaking his fists while robotically growling – while Phil holds his stomach and looks vaguely panicked. Kevin blinks very early into the attempt, and is eliminated. In the final round, Phil faces Marie-Lyne. Phil is instructed to be always on the brink of sneezing (prompting Kevin to yell “Apitchou!”). Marie-Lyne is instructed to constantly have brilliant ideas. Marie-Lyne strokes her chin and furrows her brow, while Phil makes the same vaguely panicked face he made in the previous round. Phil blinks first, and is eliminated, and Marie-Lyne therefore wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)