
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Charlotta gets on with it, while Johan and Mauri fall apart

Johan and Mauri take charge of the toasters, while Charlotta starts building.

Johan starts counting, and tells Mauri to start toasting at the 15 second mark. However, he quickly loses track of his counting, as he realises he wants to keep track of both toasters at once.

Mauri then starts building his own tower, next to Charlotta’s, as Johan waits by the toasters. Both Mauri and Charlotta build the same way, by stacking two crispbreads parallel to each other, then stacking two more on top of those in the opposite direction, continually building upwards. The only difference is that Mauri’s crispbreads lie flat, while Charlotta has balanced hers on their edges, to gain some extra height.

Mauri insists that Charlotta’s tower foundation is wobbly, but Charlotta ignores him, and asks about the toasters, and whether they’re both on the same settings (“Do they work the same way?”). David responds to this by asking if the team members are working the same way.

When David’s toast finally pops, Johan removes it and starts toasting a new slice. He then switches places with Mauri, and asks if Mauri’s tower needs to be incorporated into Charlotta’s, or if they are building a sibling tower. Charlotta replies that Mauri’s “got his own project going on”. Realising that Charlotta has things well covered, Johan steps back and becomes her cheerleader, before turning his attention back to the toasters.

As Mauri prepares to start the next slice of bread toasting, Johan questions if it is Mauri’s turn to toast. Mauri can’t remember if he’s toasted any bread or not (he has, and he would not be breaking any rules if he started toasting the next slice), and Johan is shocked that Mauri does not remember, and would seemingly rather stand around snacking on toast with David. As the two argue – and Charlotta continues to quietly build – the remaining piece of toast finishes, ending the team’s building time.

As Johan and Mauri continue their argument about the toasters, and then question whether Charlotta’s tower is valid (presumably because it was not built as a team, but by a single member), Charlotta calmly picks up a slice of toast, butters it, and leaves.

In the studio, Charlotta expresses her annoyance at her team’s performance, and especially Mauri’s insistence at building his own tower. Mauri admits that his actions were “pure misogyny”.

Charlotta’s tower measures at 65 centimetres, and she wins her team members 3 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)