Nick juices oranges with a rake and a garlic press
Responding to the initial task brief in the living room, Nick confesses to Alex that his favourite piece of kitchen equipment is a garlic press. He then screams “little toe” at Alex, before declaring “rake” at him in a Scottish accent.
After reading the task brief in the lab, Nick first uses the prongs of the rake to puncture an orange. He then places the vase on the floor, so that he can use the handle of the rake to squash the orange inside it.
He then adds more oranges to the vase and squashes them with the handle of the rake, using his feet to stabilise the vase. As he attempts to juice the oranges, he breaks part of the vase.
To avoid breaking the vase further, he decides to use the handles of the garlic press to squeeze juice from some oranges.
At the end of his attempt, Nick admits that he thinks he's done alright, and marvels at the juice he’s acquired.
In the studio, Greg shares that he’d initially thought Nick was in trouble, after watching him “ineffectually patting oranges with a grass rake”, but he characterises the latter half of Nick’s attempt as “very macho”. Nick shares that he had felt very lucky to have chosen the garlic press.
Alex reveals that Nick had collected 109 millilitres of orange juice, which nets him 3 points.
(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and proofread by Karl Craven)
(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)