Episode 4: Linked forever

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in the best sheep-related item, pass items through a pipe and pass the pipe through the same items, feed watermelon to their team-mate(s), make something spin for the longest, find and put the most rings on a stick, make and be seduced by a ventriloquist dummy, and place the lowest unique number of doughnuts on a stick.
The guest contestant in this episode is Marisa Liz.
Title context
Jessica Athayde declares that she and her team-mates are “Forever connected”, after the ‘Feed watermelon to your team-mates’ task.
Taskmaster Intro
Good evening everyone! I'm Vasco Palmeirim, and welcome to Taskmaster, here in our theatre, and there at home. Welcome to Taskmaster, the ultimate challenge for five little souls who have already given a lot to this country. They've made us laugh. They've made us sing. They've made us feel something inside. So now it's time for them to suffer from the challenges of this Taskmaster.
Contestant Intros
A woman who has confessed that for a long time, she took baths in her apartment with the window wide open. To the entire world, she’s Inês, but to the neighbours, she’s the kinky girl from the third floor. Ladies and gentlemen, Inês Aires Pereira!
A young man who grew up during Angola’s Civil War. He went through so much that he made a show called ‘Immortal’. About that topic, Gilmário says that if he has to die, don’t make him run, because he doesn’t want to die tired. Ladies and gentlemen, Gilmário Vemba!
Note: The Angolan Civil War started in 1975 and ran intermittently until it officially ended in 2002.
A woman who speaks openly about everything. She has spoken about the libido of a postpartum woman, and she has confessed that her son was conceived on Diogo’s couch. Hi Diogo, how are you? And now is when the people who have sat on that couch over the last three years will say ‘Ewww!’. Ladies and gentlemen, Jessica Athayde!
Note: Jessica’s partner, and the father of her son, is the actor and model Diogo Amaral.
The artist who, as we have mentioned before, was early in almost everything. And now – don’t try this at home, okay little ones? Toy was 13 when he drank too much for the first time. He went to the hospital, and when he woke up at home, he said ‘I want seafood’. As my Aunt Helena used to say, ‘After getting wasted, crab is well tasted’. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s Toy!
One of the biggest musical acts in the country, and one of my favourite people. She started in ‘Popeline’, and was even in ‘Onda Choc’, despite having an audition with a 40°C fever that left our mythical Ana Faria in shock. Ana, get ready to see the tasks done by this woman today and then, trust me, you’ll be shocked. Ladies and gentlemen, Marisa Liz!
Note: Popeline and Onda Choc were 1990s child/teen singing groups. Ana Faria is a former singer – and later, producer – of children’s music, who despite being retired, is still very well-known.
Assistant Intro
Now would be the time to introduce the man that sits by my side. Someone I’ve known since 2009. The year that Barack Obama took office as President. The year of the Influenza A pandemic. And most importantly, the year that ‘Hannah Montana’ hit the movie theatres. Ladies and gentlemen, show some love for Nuno Markl!
Note: The Influenza A pandemic is better known as the H1N1 or swine flu pandemic.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
Throw a wild party if you’ve ever caught yourself feeling low.
Call friends, and watermelon at their face you should throw.
Relax, let yourself loose, and stay carefree.
And if you want more of it, shout 'Gimme! Gimme!'
Do whatever you want, do what you love to do.
What you’re looking for might be right behind you.
Make a friend for life, with a tube or a shoe for tennis.
Your mate, perhaps, will have a face like a penis!
Episode trailer
Episode stats

Episode scores
Aired tasks
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Portuguese Credit: RTP