Episode 9: High-five, possibly

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must serve coffee to two women, run the Babben-race while obeying its unknown rule, set a trap for one of their fellow competitors, cover one of their team-mates in rubber rings, delay David from opening a task brief, complete three time-consuming tasks as quickly as possible, and blow spheres off of plinths.
Title context
At the end of the ‘Delay David from reading the task brief’ task, David Sundin congratulates the team of Christine, Gina, and Olle with the words “Good job, possibly.” Olle Sarri then high-fives his team-mates in celebration and – mocking David – says “High-five, possibly.”
Taskmaster Intro
Bäst i Test continues! It will never be over for me, and that’s how I say it.
Note: Det kommer aldrig va över för mig (‘It will never be over for me’) is the name of both a single and an album by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström. Det är så jag säger det (‘That’s how I say it’) is the title of another one of his songs and albums.
Contestant Intros
The panel always only two steps from paradise is...
Note: 2 steg från Paradise (‘2 Steps from Paradise’) is the sixth studio album by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström. All of Babben’s contestant introductions in this episode reference the titles of his songs and/or albums.
Feel no sadness for me: Gina Dirawi.
Note: Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg (‘Feel no sadness for me Gothenburg’) is a song by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström, from his album of the same name.
Your time will come: Alfred Svensson.
Note: Din tid kommer (‘Your Time Will Come’) is a song by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström, from his album Du gamla du fria (‘You Old You Free’).
Falling: Olle Sarri.
Note: Ramlar (‘Falling’) is a song by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström, from his album Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg (‘Feel No Sadness for Me Gothenburg’).
A midsummer night’s dream: Christine Meltzer.
Note: En midsommarnattsdröm (‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’) is a song by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström, from his album Ett kolikbarns bekännelser (‘Confessions of a colicky baby’).
A friend with a car: Jan Rippe.
Note: En vän med en bil (‘A Friend with a Car’) is a song by the Swedish musician Håkan Hellström, from his album Känn ingen sorg för mig Göteborg (‘Feel No Sadness for Me Gothenburg’).
Assistant Intro
Here beside me, since he has no personal life at all, is, as usual, David Sundin.
Episode prize

The prize in this episode is the trophy from the Babben-race, complete with an engraving of the winner’s name and their ranking in the race.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
What have we learned today? Well, sometimes it’s best to give up, unless your name is Jan Rippe. To make coffee, you need a grindy thing. And the Babben-race has only one rule.
Episode stats

Episode scores
Ellen Bergström appears during the ‘Completely cover your team-mate in swimming rings’ and ‘Delay David from reading the task brief’ tasks, to make the number of members in the teams even.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Tulip-O-Hare
- Swedish Credit: Johanna Svensson (Iyuno)